Welcome to the world of exquisite coffee!

If you’re like most coffee enthusiasts, your morning cup is more than just a beverage; it’s an experience. And when it comes to creating the perfect brew, nothing beats the elegance and simplicity of the Chemex. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or new to the coffee game, this guide will walk you through the art of making the perfect pour-over coffee with a Chemex.

The History and Appeal of Chemex

What’s the Big Deal About Chemex?

Chemex was invented in 1941 by a chemist named Peter Schlumbohm. Being a chemist, Peter knew a thing or two about extraction and purity. He applied this knowledge to coffee and bam – the Chemex was born! Its design is sleek, like something straight out of a science lab. And guess what? It’s even displayed in museums. Talk about fancy coffee gear!

What I like:

  • Taste: Seriously, the coffee is next level. Smooth, rich, and no bitterness.
  • Looks: It’s like a piece of art on my kitchen counter.
  • Super Easy: If I can use it half-asleep in the morning, anyone can.

Brewing with Chemex: A Step-by-Step:

  1. Boil water, then let it cool a bit.
  2. Put a Chemex filter in the top (it’s thicker than regular ones).
  3. Pour a little of the warm water over the filter to wet and warm the glass a bit.
  4. Empty the warm water.
  5. Grind your coffee (~55g)
  6. Add coffee to Chemex filter.
  7. Slowly pour hot water over the grounds in a circular motion. Just pour enough to wet the coffee. Use about ~200g if you are weighing.
  8. Wait about 1 1/2 minutes for the water to settle and pour another 100g or so of water. You should see some foam / bubbles on top of the grounds That’s called the bloom.
  9. Pour the rest of your water and allow it to drain.
  10. Ditch the filter and pour yourself the best coffee ever.

My Two Cents: When I first got my Chemex, I thought, “Okay, let’s see if this is worth the hype.” The coffee is smoother than anything I’ve had before. You can get close with a classic pour-over or a good drip maker, but it’s not the same. So, if you are looking to bump up your morning coffee another 5-10% in quality, I’d recommend giving it a try.


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