It’s never easy to leave a job. We are built on a fundamental need for security and an innate dread of change. But the mind is a tricky thing and you never know what you’re going to get. These are five stages of grievance after leaving a job.

1. Best Day Ever

Freedom! I can’t wait to get started on all the projects I’ve had on hold. I’ll have time you to write my book. I’ll probably start a new company. I’ll finally get in shape (six-pack here I come). And I’ll have so much time to spend with my family!

2. Oh, shit!

Now what am I going to do? I liked my routine and going to work each day. It’s great having a paycheck every couple of weeks. Why did I leave anyways? It couldn’t have been that bad. Maybe I can still get my job back.

3. Gratitude

Thank you! I’ve learned so much working with smart people. I never would have grown so much without you.

4. Regroup

Time to get down to business. Commitment to my morning routine. Focus on what’s important. Here’s where the hard work starts. It’s time to get essential, minimal. loving and caring. It’s time to plant new seeds.

5. Growth

It’s really all about growth, not giving up and believing in yourself.  We find opportunity at the intersection of our passion and our skills. Life is full of change and we have to embrace uncertainty.


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